Source code for vcfparser.metaviewer

import collections
import json
import pprint
import itertools
import sys

from vcfparser.meta_header_parser import MetaDataParser

[docs]def obj_to_dict(metainfo): metadict = collections.OrderedDict() metadict["VCFspec"] = metainfo.VCFspec metadict["FORMAT"] = metainfo.format_ metadict["INFO"] = metainfo.infos_ metadict["FILTER"] = metainfo.filters_ metadict["contig"] = metainfo.contig # metadict["ALT"] = metainfo.alt_ metadict["reference"] = metainfo.reference metadict["GATKCommandLine"] = metainfo.gatk_commands metadict["GVCFBlock"] = metainfo.gvcf_blocks metadict["samples"] = metainfo.sample_with_pos # metadict['Other'] = metainfo.other_lines return metadict
[docs]def unpack_str(s): return "\t".join(map(str, s))
[docs]class MetaDataViewer: def __init__(self, vcf_meta_file, filename="vcfmetafile"): self.metainfo = MetaDataParser(vcf_meta_file).parse_lines() self.output_file = filename self.metadict = obj_to_dict(self.metainfo)
[docs] def save_as_table(self): """write data to a file as text""" print("\twriting metadata as table") with open(self.output_file + ".table", "w") as w_file: for key, val in self.metadict.items(): w_file.write(f"##{key}\n") if isinstance(val[0], str): w_file.write(f"{unpack_str(val)}\n") w_file.write("\n") elif isinstance(val[0], dict): if key in ("VCFspec", "Other"): for item in val: w_file.write(f"#{unpack_str(item.keys())}\n") w_file.write(f"{unpack_str(item.values())}\n") w_file.write("\n") else: w_file.write(f"#{unpack_str(val[0].keys())}\n\n") for item in val: w_file.write(f"{unpack_str(item.values())}\n") w_file.write("\n")
[docs] def save_as_json(self): """Convert the dictionary to a json object and write to a file""" print("\twriting metadata as JSON") json_obj_string = json.dumps(self.metadict) datastore = json.loads(json_obj_string) with open("%s.json" % self.output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as write_as_json: json.dump(datastore, write_as_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
[docs] def save_as_orderdict(self): """Converts the json type dictionary to dictionary that has all the values under same keys in one list of values. """ grouped_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for kyes, vyes in self.metadict.items(): nested_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for elements in vyes: if isinstance(elements, dict): for nes_ks, nes_vs in elements.items(): if nes_ks not in nested_dict: nested_dict[nes_ks] = [nes_vs] else: nested_dict[nes_ks].append(nes_vs) else: nested_dict[kyes] = vyes grouped_dict[kyes] = nested_dict ## Write the grouped dict to a file as shown in prettyprint print("\twriting metadata as dictionary.") with open("%s.dict" % self.output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as write_as_dict: pprint.pprint(grouped_dict, stream=write_as_dict)
[docs] def print_requested_metadata(self, metadata_of_interest): metadict = self.metadict other_keys_list = [list(item.keys()) for item in metadict.get("Other",[])] other_keys_set = set(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(other_keys_list))) for rq_metadata in metadata_of_interest: if metadict.get(rq_metadata): val = metadict.get(rq_metadata) print(f"##{rq_metadata}\n") if isinstance(val[0], str): print(f"{unpack_str(val)}\n") elif isinstance(val[0], dict): if rq_metadata in ("VCFspec", "Other"): for item in val: print(f"#{unpack_str(item.keys())}\n") print(f"{unpack_str(item.values())}\n") else: print(f"#{unpack_str(val[0].keys())}\n\n") for item in val: print(f"{unpack_str(item.values())}") # check if metadata in Other else: if rq_metadata in other_keys_set: print(f"##{rq_metadata}\n") # print value of requested metadata from other field # TODO: might need some correction to handle cases if items in metadict are not in dict print(item.get(rq_metadata) for item in metadict["Other"])