Source code for vcfparser.record_parser

import re
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import zip_longest
import sys

[docs]class Record: """ A class that converts the record lines from input VCF into accessible record object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, record_values, record_keys): """ Initializes the class with header keys and record values. Parameters ---------- record_keys: list - list of record keys generated for the record values - generated from string in the VCF that starts with #CHROM - stays the same for a particular VCF file record_values: list - list of record values generated from the VCF record line - genrated from the lines below # CHROM in VCF file - values are dynamically updated in each for-loop """ self.rec_line = "\t".join(record_values) # TODO (Bishwa) - should this lazy instance variable? self.record_values = record_values self.record_keys = record_keys self.CHROM = self.record_values[0] self.POS = self.record_values[1] self.ID = self.record_values[2] self.REF = self.record_values[3] self.ALT = self.record_values[4].split(",") self.ref_alt = self.REF.split(",") + self.ALT self.QUAL = self.record_values[5] self.FILTER = self.record_values[6].split(",") self.info_str = self.record_values[7] self.format_ = self.record_values[8].split(":") self.sample_names = self.record_keys[9:] if len(self.record_keys) > 9 else None try: self.sample_vals = self.record_values[9:] except IndexError: warnings.warn( "Sample values are not presented correctly in given vcf file." ) self.mapped_format_to_sample = self._map_format_tags_to_sample_values()
# TODO Done- ask question : What is this function used for? def __str__(self): return str(self.rec_line) def _map_format_tags_to_sample_values(self): """Private method to map format tags to sample values""" mapped_data = {} for i, name in enumerate(self.sample_names): mapped_data[name] = dict( zip_longest(self.format_, self.sample_vals[i].split(":"), fillvalue=".") ) return mapped_data # TODO (Bhuwan) Done - if required this should be a lazy method too.
[docs] def get_format_to_sample_map(self, sample_names=None, formats=None, convert_to_iupac=None): """ Parameters ---------- sample_names : list list of sample names that needs to be processed (default = all samples are processed) formats : list list of format tags that needs to be processed (default = all format tags are processed) convert_to_iupac : list list of tags (from FORMAT) that needs to be converted into iupac bases (default tag = 'GT', default output = numeric bases) Returns ------- dict dict of filtered sample names along with filtered format "tags:values" Examples -------- >>> import vcfparser.vcf_parser as vcfparse >>> myvcf = vcfparse.VcfParser("input_test.vcf") >>> records = myvcf.parse_records() >>> record = first(record) >>> record.mapped_format_to_sample = {'ms01e': {'GT': './.','PI': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA622': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'PC': '.'}} >>> record.get_format_to_sample_map(self, sample_names= ['ms01e', 'MA611'], formats= ['GT', 'PC']) {'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PC': '.'}} >>> record.get_format_to_sample_map(self, sample_names= ['ms01e', 'MA611'], formats= ['GT', 'PC', 'PG'], convert_to_iupac= ['GT', 'PG']) {'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PC': '.'}} """ sample_names = sample_names if sample_names else self.sample_names required_format = formats if formats else self.format_ filtered_sample_format = { sample: dict( (fmt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][fmt]) for fmt in required_format ) for sample in sample_names } if convert_to_iupac is None: return filtered_sample_format else: # update the genotype values for the tags requested in "iupac" format multi_genotype_as_iupac_bases = {} genotype_output_format = "iupac" for genotype_tag in convert_to_iupac: # if genotype_output_format == "iupac": try: # convert the genotype from numeric to iupac format sample_genotype_as_iupac = { sample: { genotype_tag + "_iupac": self._to_iupac( self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][genotype_tag], genotype_output_format, ) } for sample in sample_names } if len(multi_genotype_as_iupac_bases) == 0: multi_genotype_as_iupac_bases.update( sample_genotype_as_iupac ) else: { multi_genotype_as_iupac_bases[ks].update( sample_genotype_as_iupac[ks] ) for ks, vs in sample_genotype_as_iupac.items() } except KeyError: warnings.warn( 'The format tag "%s" is not available in one or multiple VCF record. ' % genotype_tag ) sys.exit(0) # TODO (Bhuwan) Done - Why is object being returned even after warning is raised. # after warning the parsing on a forloop should stop? is this happening? # update the mapped sample dictionary for ks, vals in multi_genotype_as_iupac_bases.items(): filtered_sample_format[ks].update(vals) return filtered_sample_format
[docs] @staticmethod # def split_tag_from_samples(order_mapped_samples, tag, sample_names): def get_tag_values_from_samples(order_mapped_samples, tag, sample_names, split_at=None): """ Splits the tags of given samples from order_dict of mapped_samples Parameters ---------- order_mapped_samples : OrderedDict Ordered dictionary of FORMAT tags mapped to SAMPLE values. tag : str One of the FORMAT tag. sample_names : list Name of the samples to extract the values from. split_at : str Character to split the value string at. e.g "|", "/", "," etc. Returns ------- list of list List of list containing SAMPLE value for the FORMAT tag Examples -------- >>> order_mapped_samples = OrderedDict([('ms01e',{'GT': './.', 'PI': '.'}), ('MA622', {'GT': '0/0','PI': '.'})]) >>> tag = 'GT' >>> sample_names = ['ms01e', 'MA622'] >>> record.get_tag_values_from_samples(order_mapped_samples, tag, sample_names) [['./.'], ['0/0']] >>> # using "/|" # to split at GT values at both | and / >>> get_tag_values_from_samples(order_mapped_samples, tag, sample_names, split_at= "/|") [['.', '.'], ['0', '0']] """ # gt_vals = [order_mapped_samples[sample][tag] for sample in sample_names] # tag_vals = [re.split(r"[/|]", gt_val) for gt_val in gt_vals] # return tag_vals format_tag_values = [order_mapped_samples[sample][tag] for sample in sample_names] if split_at is not None: # tag_vals = [re.split(r"[/|]", gt_val) for gt_val in format_tag_values] splitted_tag_vals = [re.split(r"[/|]", value) for value in format_tag_values] return splitted_tag_vals return format_tag_values
# TODO (Bishwa) all this genotype parsing should be kept as a separate class ? # @property
[docs] def isHOMREF(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having homoref Examples -------- >>> rec_keys = ['CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT', 'ms01e', 'ms02g', 'ms03g', 'ms04h', 'MA611', 'MA605', 'MA622'] >>> rec_values = ['2', '15881018', '.', 'G', 'A,C', '5082.45', 'PASS', 'AC=2,0;AF=1.00;AN=8;BaseQRankSum=-7.710e-01;ClippingRankSum=0.00;DP=902;ExcessHet=0.0050;FS=0.000;InbreedingCoeff=0.8004;MLEAC=12,1;MLEAF=0.462,0.038;MQ=60.29;MQRankSum=0.00;QD=33.99;ReadPosRankSum=0.260;SF=0,1,2,3,4,5,6;SOR=0.657;set=HignConfSNPs', 'GT:PI:GQ:PG:PM:PW:AD:PL:DP:PB:PC', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', '1/1:.:6:1/1:.:1/1:0,2:49,6,0,.,.,.:2:.:.', '0/0:.:78:0/0:.:0/0:29,0,0:0,78,1170,78,1170,1170:29:.:.', '0/0:.:9:0/0:.:0/0:3,0,0:0,9,112,9,112,112:3:.:.', '0/0:.:99:0/0:.:0/0:40,0,0:0,105,1575,105,1575,1575:40:.:.'] >>> from vcfparser.record_parser import Record >>> rec_obj = Record(rec_values, rec_keys) >>> rec_obj.isHOMREF(tag="GT", bases="iupac") {'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'} """ # homref_samples = [] # tag_vals = self.get_tag_values_from_samples( # self.mapped_format_to_sample, tag, self.sample_names, split_at="|/" # ) # for i, tag_val in enumerate(tag_vals): # if set(tag_val) == {"0"}: # homref_samples.append(self.sample_names[i]) allele_obj = Alleles(self.mapped_format_to_sample,tag) homref_samples = allele_obj.hom_ref_samples return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in homref_samples }
[docs] def isHOMVAR(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having homoref Examples -------- >>> record.isHOMVAR(tag="GT", bases="iupac") {'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.', 'ms04h': 'A/A', 'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'} """ # homvar_samples = [] # tag_vals = self.get_tag_values_from_samples( # self.mapped_format_to_sample, tag, self.sample_names, split_at="|/" # ) # for i, tag_val in enumerate(tag_vals): # if ( # len(set(tag_val)) == 1 # and set(tag_val) != {"0"} # and set(tag_val) != {"."} # ): # homvar_samples.append(self.sample_names[i]) allele_obj = Alleles(self.mapped_format_to_sample,tag) homvar_samples = allele_obj.hom_var_samples return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in homvar_samples }
[docs] def isHETVAR(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having homoref Examples -------- >>> record.isHETVAR(tag="GT", bases="numeric") {} """ # hetvar_samples = [] # tag_vals = self.get_tag_values_from_samples( # self.mapped_format_to_sample, tag, self.sample_names, split_at= "|/" # ) # for i, tag_val in enumerate(tag_vals): # if len(set(tag_val)) > 1: # hetvar_samples.append(self.sample_names[i]) allele_obj = Alleles(self.mapped_format_to_sample,tag) hetvar_samples = allele_obj.het_var_samples return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in hetvar_samples }
[docs] def isMissing(self, tag="GT"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having homoref Examples -------- >>> record.isMissing(tag='PI') {'ms01e': '.', 'ms02g': '.', 'ms03g': '.', 'ms04h': '.', 'MA611': '.', 'MA605': '.', 'MA622': '.'} """ # missing_tag_sample = [] # tag_vals = self.get_tag_values_from_samples( # self.mapped_format_to_sample, tag, self.sample_names, split_at= "|/" # ) # for i, tag_val in enumerate(tag_vals): # if set(tag_val) == {"."}: # missing_tag_sample.append(self.sample_names[i]) allele_obj = Alleles(self.mapped_format_to_sample,tag) missing_tag_sample = allele_obj.missing_samples return { sample: self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] for sample in missing_tag_sample }
[docs] def hasSNP(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): # TODO (Bhuwa, Bishwa, high priority) - may need to add a tag="GT" option # **Note: this needs to be implemented properly # The length of the REF and ALT both needs to be just 1. if len(self.REF) == 1: return True
[docs] def hasINDEL(self): # TODO Bishwa : need to implement properly if len(self.REF) > 1: return True
[docs] def hasAllele(self, allele="0", tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- allele : str allele to check if it is present in given samples(default = '0') tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having given allele Example ------- >>> record.hasAllele(allele='0', tag='GT', bases='numeric') {'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'} """ return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in self.sample_names if allele in self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] }
[docs] def hasVAR(self, genotype="0/0", tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- genotype : str genotype to check if it is present in given samples(default = '0/0') tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having given genotype Example ------- >>> record.hasVAR(genotype='0/0') {'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'} """ return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in self.sample_names if ( genotype in self._to_iupac( self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases="numeric" ) ) or ( genotype in self._to_iupac( self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases="iupac" ) ) }
[docs] def hasnoVAR(self, tag="GT"): """ Returns samples with empty genotype """ return { sample: self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] for sample in self.sample_names if self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] in (".", "./.", ".|.") }
[docs] def has_unphased(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having '/' in samples formats Examples -------- >>> rec_keys = ['CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT', 'ms01e', 'ms02g', 'ms03g', 'ms04h', 'MA611', 'MA605', 'MA622'] >>> rec_values = ['2', '15881018', '.', 'G', 'A,C', '5082.45', 'PASS', 'AC=2,0;AF=1.00;AN=8;BaseQRankSum=-7.710e-01;ClippingRankSum=0.00;DP=902;ExcessHet=0.0050;FS=0.000;InbreedingCoeff=0.8004;MLEAC=12,1;MLEAF=0.462,0.038;MQ=60.29;MQRankSum=0.00;QD=33.99;ReadPosRankSum=0.260;SF=0,1,2,3,4,5,6;SOR=0.657;set=HignConfSNPs', 'GT:PI:GQ:PG:PM:PW:AD:PL:DP:PB:PC', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', '1/1:.:6:1/1:.:1/1:0,2:49,6,0,.,.,.:2:.:.', '0/0:.:78:0/0:.:0/0:29,0,0:0,78,1170,78,1170,1170:29:.:.', '0/0:.:9:0/0:.:0/0:3,0,0:0,9,112,9,112,112:3:.:.', '0/0:.:99:0/0:.:0/0:40,0,0:0,105,1575,105,1575,1575:40:.:.'] >>> from vcfparser.record_parser import Record >>> rec_obj = Record(rec_values, rec_keys) >>> rec_obj.has_unphased(tag="GT", bases="iupac") {'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.', 'ms04h': 'A/A', 'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'} """ return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in self.sample_names if "/" in self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] }
[docs] def has_phased(self, tag="GT", bases="numeric"): """ Parameters ---------- tag: str format tags of interest (default = 'GT') bases: str iupac or numeric (default = 'numeric') Returns ------- dict dict of sample with values having '/' in samples formats Examples -------- >>> rec_keys = ['CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO', 'FORMAT', 'ms01e', 'ms02g', 'ms03g', 'ms04h', 'MA611', 'MA605', 'MA622'] >>> rec_values = ['2', '15881018', '.', 'G', 'A,C', '5082.45', 'PASS', 'AC=2,0;AF=1.00;AN=8;BaseQRankSum=-7.710e-01;ClippingRankSum=0.00;DP=902;ExcessHet=0.0050;FS=0.000;InbreedingCoeff=0.8004;MLEAC=12,1;MLEAF=0.462,0.038;MQ=60.29;MQRankSum=0.00;QD=33.99;ReadPosRankSum=0.260;SF=0,1,2,3,4,5,6;SOR=0.657;set=HignConfSNPs', 'GT:PI:GQ:PG:PM:PW:AD:PL:DP:PB:PC', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', '1/1:.:6:1/1:.:1/1:0,2:49,6,0,.,.,.:2:.:.', '0/0:.:78:0/0:.:0/0:29,0,0:0,78,1170,78,1170,1170:29:.:.', '0/0:.:9:0/0:.:0/0:3,0,0:0,9,112,9,112,112:3:.:.', '0/0:.:99:0/0:.:0/0:40,0,0:0,105,1575,105,1575,1575:40:.:.'] >>> from vcfpaser.record_parser import Record >>> rec_obj = Record(rec_values, rec_keys) >>> rec_obj.has_phased(tag="GT", bases="iupac") {} """ return { sample: self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in self.sample_names if "|" in self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag] }
[docs] def get_mapped_tag_list(self, sample_names=None, tag=None, bases="numeric"): mapped_list = [ self._to_iupac(self.ref_alt, self.mapped_format_to_sample[sample][tag], bases) for sample in sample_names ] return mapped_list
@staticmethod def _to_iupac(ref_alt, numeric_genotype, bases="numeric"): if bases == "numeric": return numeric_genotype # if numeric_genotype == ".": # return numeric_genotype numeric_g_list = re.split(r"[/|]", numeric_genotype) sep = "/" if "/" in numeric_genotype else "|" iupac_vals = [ref_alt[int(i)] if i != "." else "." for i in numeric_g_list] return sep.join(iupac_vals)
[docs] @staticmethod def split_genotype_tags(): # TODO: BISHWA make a function to split the genotype tags pass
[docs] def get_info_as_dict(self, info_keys=None): """ Convert Info to dict for required keys Parameters ---------- info_keys: list Keys of interest (default = all keys will be mapped) Returns ------- dict key: value pair of only required keys Notes ----- If '=' isn't present then it will return its value as '.'. Examples -------- >>> info_str = 'AC=2,0;AF=1.00;AN=8;BaseQRankSum' >>> info_keys= ['AC', 'BaseQRankSum'] >>> record.get_info_as_dict(info_keys) {'AC': '2,0', 'BaseQRankSum': '-7.710e-01'} """ mapped_info = dict( s.split("=", 1) if "=" in s else (s, ".") for s in self.info_str.split(";") ) if isinstance(info_keys, list): # convert list to set for faster lookup info_keys_set = set(info_keys) return { key: value for key, value in mapped_info.items() if key in info_keys_set } else: return mapped_info
[docs] def get_full_record_map(self, convert_to_iupac=None): """ Maps record values with record keys. Parameters ---------- convert_to_iupac: list list of genotpye tags that needs to be converted into iupac bases (default tag = 'GT', default output = numeric bases) Returns ------- dict dict with key value pair with sample and infos modified TODO: Done (Gopal) Add example input and output Examples -------- >>> record.get_full_record_map() {'CHROM': '2', 'POS': '15881018', 'ID': '.', 'REF': 'G', 'ALT': 'A,C', 'QUAL': '5082.45', 'FILTER': 'PASS', 'INFO': {'AC': '2,0', 'AF': '1.00', 'AN': '8', 'BaseQRankSum': '-7.710e-01', 'ClippingRankSum': '0.00', 'DP': '902', 'ExcessHet': '0.0050', 'FS': '0.000', 'InbreedingCoeff': '0.8004', 'MLEAC': '12,1', 'MLEAF': '0.462,0.038', 'MQ': '60.29', 'MQRankSum': '0.00', 'QD': '33.99', 'ReadPosRankSum': '0.260', 'SF': '0,1,2,3,4,5,6', 'SOR': '0.657', 'set': 'HignConfSNPs'}, 'FORMAT': 'GT:PI:GQ:PG:PM:PW:AD:PL:DP:PB:PC', 'ms01e': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms02g': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms03g': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms04h': '1/1:.:6:1/1:.:1/1:0,2:49,6,0,.,.,.:2:.:.', 'MA611': '0/0:.:78:0/0:.:0/0:29,0,0:0,78,1170,78,1170,1170:29:.:.', 'MA605': '0/0:.:9:0/0:.:0/0:3,0,0:0,9,112,9,112,112:3:.:.', 'MA622': '0/0:.:99:0/0:.:0/0:40,0,0:0,105,1575,105,1575,1575:40:.:.', 'samples': {'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms02g': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms03g': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms04h': {'GT': '1/1', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '6', 'PG': '1/1', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '1/1', 'AD': '0,2', 'PL': '49,6,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '2', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '78', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '29,0,0', 'PL': '0,78,1170,78,1170,1170', 'DP': '29', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA605': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '9', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '3,0,0', 'PL': '0,9,112,9,112,112', 'DP': '3', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA622': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '99', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '40,0,0', 'PL': '0,105,1575,105,1575,1575', 'DP': '40', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}}} """ mapped_records = dict(zip(self.record_keys, self.record_values)) mapped_records["INFO"] = self.get_info_as_dict() mapped_records["samples"] = self.get_format_to_sample_map(convert_to_iupac= convert_to_iupac) return mapped_records
[docs] def unmap_fmt_samples_dict(self, mapped_dict): """ Converts mapped dict again into string to write into the file. """ sample_str_all = "" for sample in self.sample_names: # TODO make format compute only once format_str = ":".join(key for key in mapped_dict[sample]) sample_str = ":".join(val for val in mapped_dict[sample].values()) sample_str_all.join(sample_str + "\t") return format_str, sample_str_all
## TODO: Done Revert mapped record into record string
[docs] def mapped_rec_to_str(self, mapped_sample_dict): record_val_upto_info = self.record_values[:8] record_str = '' str_up_to_info = '\t'.join(record_val_upto_info) format_str, sample_str_all = self.unmap_fmt_samples_dict(mapped_sample_dict) record_str = str_up_to_info+ '\t' +format_str + '\t'+ sample_str_all return record_str
# functions to add later Done
[docs] def iupac_to_numeric(self, ref_alt, genotype_in_iupac): # input parameters should be ref_alt, iupac_bases = [] # returns: list of numeric bases # required for buildVCF ?? # For ref_alt = ['G', 'A', 'C'] # genotype_in_iupac = 'G/A' it should return '0/1' iupac_g_list = re.split(r"[/|]", genotype_in_iupac) sep = "/" if "/" in genotype_in_iupac else "|" numeric_vals = [ref_alt.index(i) if i != "." else "." for i in iupac_g_list] return sep.join(numeric_vals)
[docs] def deletion_overlapping_variant(self): # TODO pass
# TODO: Bishwa (Priority high) # Make sure all the genotype parsing methods are compatible with non diploid genomes allele_delimiter = re.compile(r'''[|/]''') ## ASK: If this needs to be named allele or genotype
[docs]class Alleles:
[docs] def __init__(self,mapped_samples, tag= 'GT'): """ This class is used to store sample names with their types. """ self.hom_ref_samples = [] self.hom_var_samples = [] self.het_var_samples = [] self.missing_samples = [] self.phased_samples = [] for sample in mapped_samples.keys(): tag_val = mapped_samples.get(sample, {}).get(tag, None) if tag_val is not None: genotype_val = GenotypeVal(tag_val) if genotype_val.phased: self.phased_samples.append(sample) if genotype_val._ismissing: self.missing_samples.append(sample) if genotype_val.gt_type == 'hom_ref': self.hom_ref_samples.append(sample) elif genotype_val.gt_type == 'hom_var': self.hom_var_samples.append(sample) elif genotype_val.gt_type == 'het_var': self.het_var_samples.append(sample) else: pass else: warnings.warn(f'{sample} has no mapped value for {tag} tag') def homref_samples(self): pass
## ASK: What to do if following scenario arises? ## Are they homref, hetvar './.' , '.', './0', '0/.'
[docs]class GenotypeVal:
[docs] def __init__(self,allele): """" For a given genotype data like ('0/0', '1|1', '0/1'); this class computes and store values like whether it is homref, hom_alt or hetvar """ # here gt_type store either homvar, hetvar, or homref self.gt_type= None self.phased= False self._alleles = [(al if al != '.' else None) for al in allele_delimiter.split(allele)] self._ismissing = not any(al is not None for al in self._alleles) if '|' in allele: self.phased = True # hetvar alleles_list = self._alleles if not self._ismissing: if len(set(alleles_list)) == 1: if alleles_list[0] == '0': self.gt_type = 'hom_ref' else: self.gt_type = 'hom_var' else: self.gt_type = 'het_var' else: self.gt_type = 'missing'