Source code for vcfparser.vcf_parser

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import gzip
import itertools
import sys

from vcfparser.meta_header_parser import MetaDataParser
from vcfparser.record_parser import Record

[docs]class VcfParser: """ A class to parse the metadata information and yield records from the input VCF. Methods ------- parse_metadata() parse_records() """ #TODO (Bhuwan, Gopal-Done): Done Insert a line break here and several other places as need be. # Introduce linebreak after each module description # Use this example and cheatsheet: # #
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): """ Parameters ---------- filename: file input vcf file that needs to be parsed. bgzipped files are also supported. Returns ------- Object VCF object for iterating and querying. """ self.filename = filename # assign to support gz compressed files self._open = if self.filename.endswith(".gz") else open # two copies of file are created inorder to iterate over metadata and records separately self._file = self._open(filename, "rt") self._file_copy = self._open(filename, "rt")
def __del__(self): self._file.close() self._file_copy.close()
[docs] def parse_metadata(self): #TODO: Done # Add the new keyword called "Uses" to show what functions, classes, modules the current class/module uses # Uses # ---- # MetaDataParser class to create MetaData object """ function to parse the metadata information from VCF header. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Object MetaDataParser object for iterating and querying the metadata information. Uses ---- MetaDataParser class to create MetaData object """ # this produces a iterator of meta data lines (lines starting with '#') _raw_lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x.startswith("#"), self._file) return MetaDataParser(_raw_lines).parse_lines()
# TODO (Bhuwan, low priority) - Could multiprocessing be invoked here?? with -n flag # multiprocessing should however follow the order (genomic position) # TODO (Bhuwan-Done, Gopal) Done properly render the "Uses" flag in this function too.
[docs] def parse_records(self, chrom=None, pos_range=None, no_processors=1): # TODO (Bhuwan, mid priority, research item)(Research Done ; Not implemented) # may be replce "no_of_recs" with "nt" i.e number of threads """ Parse records and yield it. Parameters ---------- chrom : str chormosome name or number. Default = None pos_range : tuple genomic position of interest, e.g: (5, 15). Both upper and lower limits are inclusive. Default = None no_of_recs : int number of records to process Uses ---- Record module to create a Record object Yields ------ Record object for interating and quering the record information. """ #TODO: Done # the Uses is not being rendered properly. #TODO Done (Bhuwan, Bishwa; priority = high) #the no_of_recs is not being used. # Keep or delete or use it? _record_lines = itertools.dropwhile( lambda x: x.startswith("##"), self._file_copy ) # TODO - ask with Bhuwan: What is this try/StopIteration doing? # Do we need the code - if _record_lines.startswith("#CHROM") try: header_line = next(_record_lines) # if _record_lines.startswith("#CHROM") except StopIteration: print("File doesnot contain the record header line.") sys.exit(0) record_keys = header_line.lstrip("#").strip("\n").split("\t") if pos_range: start_pos, end_pos = int(pos_range[0]), int(pos_range[1]) for record_line in _record_lines: record_line = record_line.strip("\n").split("\t") # in order to select only selected chrom values if chrom and pos_range: ch_val = record_line[0] pos_val = int(record_line[1]) if ch_val == chrom and start_pos <= pos_val <= end_pos: yield Record(record_line, record_keys) elif chrom: ch_val = record_line[0] if ch_val == chrom: yield Record(record_line, record_keys) elif pos_range: pos_val = int(record_line[1]) start_pos, end_pos = int(pos_range[0]), int(pos_range[1]) if start_pos <= pos_val <= end_pos: yield Record(record_line, record_keys) else: yield Record(record_line, record_keys)