Tutorial on record parser

Advanced Tutorial on vcf parser module showing most of the functions.

Let’s first import VcfParser module and instantiate an vcf object by passing vcf file as an argument.

Initial setup:

>>> from vcfparser import VcfParser
>>> vcf_obj = VcfParser('input_test.vcf')

VcfParser module has two main methods: - parse_metadata: It contains information related the header lines - parse_records: It contains methods to retrieve record values from the vcf file.

>>> metainfo = vcf_obj.parse_metadata()
>>> records = vcf_obj.parse_records()

Here, records is an generator object and applying next(records) yields the first record and we can access methods of Record class.

>>> first_record = next(records)

Methods on record object

You can filter infos you want from vcf. By default, all info will be returned as dictionary.

>>> first_record.get_info_dict()
{'AC': '2,0', 'AF': '1.00', 'AN': '8', 'BaseQRankSum': '-7.710e-01', 'ClippingRankSum': '0.00', 'DP': '902', 'ExcessHet': '0.0050', 'FS': '0.000', 'InbreedingCoeff': '0.8004', 'MLEAC': '12,1', 'MLEAF': '0.462,0.038', 'MQ': '60.29', 'MQRankSum': '0.00', 'QD': '33.99', 'ReadPosRankSum': '0.260', 'SF': '0,1,2,3,4,5,6', 'SOR': '0.657', 'set': 'HignConfSNPs'}
>>> first_record.get_info_dict(required_keys= ['AC', 'AF'])
{'AC': '2,0', 'AF': '1.00'}

Similarly, you can also filter formats and samples of interest from records. This allows you to retrieve the fields that you need.

>>> first_record.get_mapped_samples(sample_names= ['ms01e', 'MA611'], formats= ['GT','PG', 'PC', 'PI'])
{'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PG': './.', 'PC': '.', 'PI': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PG': '0/0', 'PC': '.', 'PI': '.'}}
>>> first_record.get_mapped_samples( formats= ['GT','PG'])
{'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PG': './.'}, 'ms02g': {'GT': './.', 'PG': './.'}, 'ms03g': {'GT': './.', 'PG': './.'}, 'ms04h': {'GT': '1/1', 'PG': '1/1'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PG': '0/0'}, 'MA605': {'GT': '0/0', 'PG': '0/0'}, 'MA622': {'GT': '0/0', 'PG': '0/0'}}
>>> first_record.get_mapped_samples(sample_names =['ms02g'])
{'ms02g': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}}

You can also check if any sample have alleles of your interest.

>>> first_record.hasAllele(allele='1', tag= 'GT', bases = 'iupac')
{'ms04h': 'A/A'}
>>> first_record.hasAllele(allele='1', tag= 'GT', bases = 'numeric')
{'ms04h': '1/1'}
>>> first_record.hasAllele(allele='1', tag= 'PG', bases = 'numeric')
{'ms04h': '1/1'}
>>> first_record.hasAllele(allele='0', tag= 'PG', bases = 'numeric')
{'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'}
>>> first_record.hasAllele(allele='0', tag= 'PG', bases = 'iupac')
{'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'}

To check if samples mapped with format tags contains genotype specified :

>>> first_record.hasVAR(genotype='0/0', tag= 'PG', bases = 'numeric')
{'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'}
>>> first_record.hasVAR(genotype='G/G', tag= 'PG', bases = 'iupac')
{'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'}
>>> first_record.hasVAR(genotype='1/1', tag= 'PG', bases = 'numeric')
{'ms04h': '1/1'}
>>> first_record.hasVAR(genotype='A/A', tag= 'PG', bases = 'iupac')
{'ms04h': 'A/A'}

To check if samples have phased genotype or unphased genotype:

>>> first_record.has_phased()
>>> first_record.has_unphased()
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.', 'ms04h': '1/1', 'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'}
>>> first_record.has_unphased(tag= 'PG')
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.', 'ms04h': '1/1', 'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'}
>>> first_record.has_unphased(tag= 'PG', bases = 'iupac')
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.', 'ms04h': 'A/A', 'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'}

This returns samples with no variants (i.e. contains ‘./.’, ‘.|.’, ‘.’)

>>> first_record.hasnoVAR()
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.'}
>>> first_record.hasnoVAR(tag= 'PG')
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.'}

Samples with homozygous reference genotypes can be retrieved by:

>>> first_record.isHOMREF()
{'MA611': '0/0', 'MA605': '0/0', 'MA622': '0/0'}
>>> first_record.isHOMREF(tag= 'PG', bases= 'iupac')
{'MA611': 'G/G', 'MA605': 'G/G', 'MA622': 'G/G'}

Similarly, samples with homozygous variant genotypes can be retrieved by:

>>> first_record.isHOMVAR()
{'ms04h': '1/1'}
>>> first_record.isHOMVAR(tag= 'PG', bases= 'iupac')
{'ms04h': 'A/A'}

Samples with heterozygous variant genotypes in given record”

>>> first_record.isHETVAR()

This returns samples with missing variants (i.e. contains ‘./.’, ‘.|.’, ‘.’)

>>> first_record.isMissing()
{'ms01e': './.', 'ms02g': './.', 'ms03g': './.'}
>>> first_record.isMissing(tag = 'PI')
{'ms01e': '.', 'ms02g': '.', 'ms03g': '.', 'ms04h': '.', 'MA611': '.', 'MA605': '.', 'MA622': '.'}

map_records_long method maps all the record with the header lines. This also maps format with samples and info fields into dictionary.

>>> first_record.map_records_long()
{'CHROM': '2', 'POS': '15881018', 'ID': '.', 'REF': 'G', 'ALT': 'A,C', 'QUAL': '5082.45', 'FILTER': 'PASS', 'INFO': {'AC': '2,0', 'AF': '1.00', 'AN': '8', 'BaseQRankSum': '-7.710e-01', 'ClippingRankSum': '0.00', 'DP': '902', 'ExcessHet': '0.0050', 'FS': '0.000', 'InbreedingCoeff': '0.8004', 'MLEAC': '12,1', 'MLEAF': '0.462,0.038', 'MQ': '60.29', 'MQRankSum': '0.00', 'QD': '33.99', 'ReadPosRankSum': '0.260', 'SF': '0,1,2,3,4,5,6', 'SOR': '0.657', 'set': 'HignConfSNPs'}, 'FORMAT': 'GT:PI:GQ:PG:PM:PW:AD:PL:DP:PB:PC', 'ms01e': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms02g': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms03g': './.:.:.:./.:.:./.:0,0:0,0,0,.,.,.:0:.:.', 'ms04h': '1/1:.:6:1/1:.:1/1:0,2:49,6,0,.,.,.:2:.:.', 'MA611': '0/0:.:78:0/0:.:0/0:29,0,0:0,78,1170,78,1170,1170:29:.:.', 'MA605': '0/0:.:9:0/0:.:0/0:3,0,0:0,9,112,9,112,112:3:.:.', 'MA622': '0/0:.:99:0/0:.:0/0:40,0,0:0,105,1575,105,1575,1575:40:.:.', 'samples': {'ms01e': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms02g': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms03g': {'GT': './.', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '.', 'PG': './.', 'PM': '.', 'PW': './.', 'AD': '0,0', 'PL': '0,0,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '0', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'ms04h': {'GT': '1/1', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '6', 'PG': '1/1', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '1/1', 'AD': '0,2', 'PL': '49,6,0,.,.,.', 'DP': '2', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA611': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '78', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '29,0,0', 'PL': '0,78,1170,78,1170,1170', 'DP': '29', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA605': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '9', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '3,0,0', 'PL': '0,9,112,9,112,112', 'DP': '3', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}, 'MA622': {'GT': '0/0', 'PI': '.', 'GQ': '99', 'PG': '0/0', 'PM': '.', 'PW': '0/0', 'AD': '40,0,0', 'PL': '0,105,1575,105,1575,1575', 'DP': '40', 'PB': '.', 'PC': '.'}}}